Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Criminal Justice System Has An Important Function

Each actor in the criminal justice system has an important function. However, their perceptions and actions toward victims can often shape how the victims feel about themselves and about the level of help they will receive. The first level interaction the victim will often have with the criminal justice system is with the police. Often how a police officer views certain crimes ultimately influences how they are going to treat the victim. In the case of sexual assault, a very traumatic crime, the police officer can be found blaming the victim. Researchers Sleath and Bull attributed this to â€Å"rape myth acceptance [as] [significant] [predictor] [of] victim blaming† (Sleath and Bull, 2012, pg.658). This can have an effect not only on the victims level of confidence in receiving help but also in the level of attention the officer will give the investigation. These results are an example of how the roles of the actors in the criminal justice system affect how they treat the vict im. Police officers being the first line of contact shapes the viewpoint of all the actors from that point on. For example, a detective in the instance of rape they view what the responding officer reported. If the responding officer viewed the incident negatively detectives have a harder time building the victim s credibility. Prosecutors, defense attorneys, judges are the last members of the criminal justice system victims will face. In the legal system, they are viewed as numbers in a system. VictimsShow MoreRelatedCriminal Justice System1524 Words   |  7 Pagesfor the Criminal Justice System is to reduce the crime and the fire of crime. In order to achieve this it is using different agencies and the major of them are the Police, Prosecution, Courts, Prisons and Probation. They all are operating in synchrony for achieving their legal responsibilities and particularly for reducing the level of crime. 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